Class Cursor

D class that wraps SDL_Cursor which sets cursor appearance

class Cursor ;


this (sdlCursor, isOwner, userRef) Constructs a dsdl2.Cursor from a vanilla SDL_Cursor* from bindbc-sdl
this (surface, hotPosition) Constructs a dsdl2.Cursor from a dsdl2.Surface, which wraps SDL_CreateColorCursor


sdlCursor sdl.mouse.SDL_Cursor*Internal SDL_Cursor pointer


opEquals (rhs) Equality operator overload
set () Wraps SDL_SetCursor which sets the dsdl2.Cursor to be the cursor
toHash () Gets the hash of the dsdl2.Cursor
toString () Formats the dsdl2.Cursor into its construction representation: "dsdl2.Cursor(<sdlCursor>)"


systemArrow Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemCrosshair Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemHand Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemIBeam Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemNo Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemSizeAll Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemSizeNESW Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemSizeNS Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemSizeNWSE Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemSizeWE Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemWait Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants
systemWaitArrow Retrieves one of the dsdl2.Cursor system cursor presets from SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_* enumeration constants