Class Channel

D class that acts as a proxy for a mixer audio channel from a channel ID

class Channel ;


mixChannel const(uint)Channel ID from SDL_mixer


allDistance[set] ubyteActs as Mix_SetDistance(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, newDistance) which sets the simulated distance for all channels as posteffect
allPanning[set] ubyte[2]Wraps Mix_SetPanning which sets the panning volume of the left and right channels as posteffect for all channels
allPosition[set] std.typecons.Tuple!(short,ubyte)Acts as Mix_SetPosition(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, newAngleDistance[0], newAngleDistance[1]) which sets the simulated angle and distance for all channels as posteffect
allReverseStereo[set] boolActs as Mix_SetReverseStereo(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, newReverse) which sets whether the left and right channels are flipped for all channels as posteffect
allVolume[get] ubyteActs as Mix_Volume(-1, -1) which gets the volume of all channels
allVolume[set] ubyteActs as Mix_Volume(-1, newVolume) which sets the volume of all channels
chunk[get] ChunkWraps Mix_GetChunk which gets the currently-playing Chunk in the channel
distance[set] ubyteWraps Mix_SetDistance which sets the simulated distance for the channel playing from the listener
fading[get] FadingWraps Mix_FadingChannel which gets the fading stage of the channel
panning[set] ubyte[2]Wraps Mix_SetPanning which sets the panning volume of the left and right channels for the track channel
paused[get] boolWraps Mix_Paused which checks whether the channel is paused
playing[get] boolWraps Mix_Playing which checks whether the channel is playing
position[set] std.typecons.Tuple!(short,ubyte)Wraps Mix_SetPosition which sets the simulated angle and distance of the channel playing from the listener
reverseStereo[set] boolWraps Mix_SetReverseStereo which sets whether the left and right channels are flipped in the channel
volume[get] ubyteWraps Mix_Volume which gets the volume of the channel
volume[set] ubyteWraps Mix_Volume which sets the volume of the channel


expire (ms) Wraps Mix_ExpireChannel which halts the channel after a specified delay
expireAll (ms) Acts as Mix_ExpireChannel(-1, ms) which halts all channels after a specified delay
fadeIn (chunk, loops, fadeMs, ms) Wraps Mix_FadeInChannelTimed which plays a Chunk in the channel with a fade-in effect
fadeOut (fadeMs) Wraps Mix_FadeOutChannel which performs fade-out for whatever chunk is playing in the channel
fadeOutAll (fadeMs) Acts as Mix_FadeOutChannel(-1, fadeMs) which performs fade-out for whatever chunks are playing in all channels
halt () Wraps Mix_HaltChannel which halts the channel
haltAll () Acts as Mix_HaltChannel(-1) which halts all channels
opEquals (rhs) Equality operator overload
pause () Wraps Mix_Pause which pauses the channel
pauseAll () Acts as Mix_Pause(-1) which pauses all channels
play (chunk, loops, ms) Wraps Mix_PlayChannelTimed which plays a Chunk in the channel
resume () Wraps Mix_Resume which resumes the channel
resumeAll () Acts as Mix_Resume(-1) which resumes all channels
toHash () Gets the hash of the Channel
toString () Formats the Channel showing its internal information: "dsdl2.mixer.Channel(<mixChannel>)"